Jae-Jung Jung (정재정)
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical Engineering,
College of IT Engineering,
Kyungpook National University, South Korea
- BS, Seoul National University, ECE, 2011
- MS, Seoul National University, ECE, 2013
- Ph. D., Seoul National University, ECE, 2017
(Academic advisor: Seung-Ki Sul, IEEE Fellow,
2017 William E. Newell Power Electronics Award)
- 2007.12~2009.04 : Engineer, Bitweb Co.
- 2009.04~2010.03 : Engineer, M-Bridge Co.
- 2017.09~2019.01 : Senior Engineer, Mechatronics R&D Center, Samsung Electronics Company
- 2019.03~2023.09 : Assistant Professor, Kyungpook National University
- 2021.09~present : Director, Microgrid Research Center, Kyungpook National University
- 2023.10~present : Associate Professor, Kyungpook National University
- Power Electronics
- High Voltage Converter
- Grid connected Power Conversion System
- HVDC Transmission & FACTS
- Best Paper Awards at IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (IEEE ICIT 2014)
- Sponsorship Program, Samsung Electronics, 2015
- Distinguished Dissertation Award at Dept. of ECE, Seoul National University, 2017
- Highly Cited Paper Awards at Dept. of ECE, Seoul National University, 2017
- First Prize in Technical Seminar, CIGRE KNC Chairman, 2017
- Member, IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (S'13–M'19)
- Member, PELS, The Power Electronics Society (M'20)
- Member, KIPE, The Korean Institute of Power Electronics (M'14)
- Member, KIEE, The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers (M'19)
- 학술위원, 전력전자학회, The Korean Institute of Power Electronics ('21 , '23, '24)
- 기술닥터, Daegu TECHNOPARK ('21 ~ Present)
- 위원장, 차세대 eGrid 연구회, The Korean Institute of Power Electronics ('22 ~ Present)
- 자문교수, 인버터 & 송배전 GridCode 워킹그룹, 한국전력공사('22 ~ Present)
- 협력이사, 전력전자학회, The Korean Institute of Power Electronics('23 ~ Present)
- Treasurer, PELS Chapter of IEEE Taegu Section('22 ~ Present)
- 학술이사, 전력전자학회, The Korean Institute of Power Electronics('25 ~ Present)
- Bipolar HVDC전송을 위한 MMC전력변환 시스템 및 제어, ISBN 979-11-89972-52-3(93560), C&P.
- MMC-STATCOM 시스템의 에너지 균형 제어 기법, ISBN 979-11-89972-97-4, C&P.