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International Journal Publications
*Corresponding Author
  1. J. Park, "[Full Title Hidden] Power-HILS of a Megawatt-Scale MMC," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, under review.

  2. K.-H. Kim, "[Full Title Hidden] Grid-Forming Control to Enhance Transient Stability," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, under review.

  3. Y. Kim, "[Full Title Hidden] Single-Star Multilevel Converter with Zigzag Transformer," IEEE ACCESS, under review.

  4. H.-J. Cho, "[Full Title Hidden] PWM for Three-Level NPC Inverters," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, under review.

  5. J.-M. Kim, S. Cui, and J.-J. Jung, "A New E-STATCOM Topology [Full Title Hidden]," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, under review.

  6. S. Kim, K.-H. Kim, S. Cui, and J.-J. Jung, "Adjustable Virtual Impedance via Anti-Windup Method for Enhancing Transient Stability and Grid Forming Capability under Current Limiting Conditions,"  in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, early access, 2025.

  7. K.-H. Kim, S. Cui, and J.-J. Jung, "Current-Oriented Phase-Locked Loop Method for Robust Control of Grid-Connected Converter in Extremely Weak Grid," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 11963-11968, Oct. 2024.

  8. G.-S. Song, S. Cui, and J.-J. Jung, "Technique for Mitigating Voltage Ripple of DC-Link Capacitors in a Three-Level NPC Utilizing a Zigzag Transformer," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 10887-10896, Sept. 2024.

  9. J.-H. Lee, J.-J. Jung, and S. Sul, "Suppression of AC Coupling Effects on HVdc Transmission System Based on MMC," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 11571-11582, Sept. 2024.

  10. Kim, YR., Lee, SY., Cui, S., Jung, JJ., Improved dynamics of DC bus control with a zig-zag transformer for bipolar DC distribution systems. J. Power Electron. Nov., 2023.

  11. H. Kim, S.-G. Kang, J.-J. Jung, and H.-S. Jung, “Comparative Study of Magnet Temperature Estimation at Low Speeds Based on High-Frequency Resistance and Inductance,” Electronics, vol. 12, no. 9, p. 2011, Apr. 2023.

  12. A. S. Obi, S.-H. Lee, H.-S. Jung, and J.-J. Jung, “A Center-Tapped Transformer Based Multifunctional Single-Phase Converter with Wide DC-Bus Control,” Sensors, vol. 23, no. 4, p. 2227, Feb. 2023.

  13. S.-Y. Lee, J.-J. Jung, "The Circulating Current Reduction Control Method for Asynchronous Carrier Phases of Parallel Connected Inverters," Energies 15, 1949, March, 2022.

  14. Y.-R. Kim, J.-M. Kim, J.-J. Jung, S.-Y. Kim, J.-H. Choi, and H.-G. Lee., "Comprehensive Design of DC Shipboard Power Systems for Pure Electric Propulsion Ship Based on Battery Energy Storage System" Energies 14, no. 17, Aug. 2021.

  15. J.-M. Kim, G.-S. Song, and J.-J. Jung, "Zero-Sequence Voltage Injection Method for DC Capacitor Voltage Balancing of Wye-Connected CHB Converter under Unbalanced Grid and Load Conditions," 14, 1019, Energies, Feb. 2021.

  16. S. Cui, H. Lee, J. Jung, Y. Lee and S. Sul, "A Comprehensive AC-Side Single-Line-to-Ground Fault Ride Through Strategy of an MMC-Based HVDC System," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1021-1031, Sept. 2018.

  17. J. Lee, J. Jung and S. Sul, "Balancing of Submodule Capacitor Voltage of Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter Under DC-Bus Voltage Variation of HVDC System," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 10458-10470, Nov. 2019.

  18. J. Jung, S. Cui, J. Lee and S. Sul, "A New Topology of Multilevel VSC Converter for a Hybrid HVDC Transmission System," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 4199-4209, June 2017.

  19. J. Jung, J. Lee, S. Sul, G. T. Son and Y. Chung, "DC Capacitor Voltage Balancing Control for Delta-Connected Cascaded H-Bridge STATCOM Considering Unbalanced Grid and Load Conditions," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 4726-4735, June 2018.

  20. J. Jung, H. Lee and S. Sul, "Control Strategy for Improved Dynamic Performance of Variable-Speed Drives With Modular Multilevel Converter," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 371-380, June 2015.

Domestic Journal Publications

1. Jae-Myeong Kim, Jae-Jung Jung, "Analysis of Internal Energy Pulsation in MMC System According to Offset Voltage Injection with PWM Methods," j.inst.Korean.electr.electron.eng.Vol.23,No.4,1140~1149,December 2019.

2. Jae-Jung Jung, "Circuit Configuration of Asymmetric Mixed MMC in Bipolar HVDC Transmission Systems," The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, Vol.69, No. 3, 435-441, March 2020.

3. 김재명 and 정재정. "Single-Delta Bridge Cell MMC의 전압합성을 위한 PWM 반송파 형태에 따른 출력전압의 THD 분석" 전력전자학회 논문지 27, no.6 (2022) : 526-534.

4. 김영웅, 최성휘, 정재정, “지그재그 변압기를 이용한 스타 결선 멀티레벨 전력변환 시스템의 클러스터 에너지 균형제어,” 전력전자학회 논문지 29, no.2 (2024) : 105-113

5. 김기현, 스티븐, 최성휘, 정재정 "그리드포밍 인버터의 계통 주파수 안정도 기여 향상을 위한 새로운 가상동기발전기 기반 전력제어 방법," 전력전자학회논문지 29, no.4 (2024) : 326-334.

International Conference Publications

1. Jae-Jung Jung, Eunsoo Jung, Jung-Ik Ha and Seung-Ki Sul, "Initial voltage angle detection method of a PWM converter without any grid voltage measurement using conduction state of diodes for smooth starting,"?Proceedings of The 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Harbin, China, 2012, pp. 730-734.
2. Jae-Jung Jung, Hak-Jun Lee, and Seung-Ki Sul, "Control of the Modular Multilevel Converter for variable-speed drives,"?2012 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Bengaluru, 2012, pp. 1-6.
3. Jae-Jung Jung, Hak-Jun Lee, and Seung-Ki Sul, "Control strategy for improved dynamic performance of variable-speed drives with the Modular Multilevel Converter,"?2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, 2013, pp. 1481-1488.
4. Jae-Jung Jung, Shenghui Cui, Sungmin. Kim and Seung-Ki Sul, "A cell capacitor energy balancing control of Modular Multilevel Converter considering the unbalanced AC grid conditions,"?2014 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014 - ECCE ASIA), Hiroshima, 2014, pp. 1268-1275.
5. Jae-Jung Jung, Shenghui Cui, Younggi Lee and Seung-Ki Sul, "A cell capacitor energy balancing control of MMC-HVDC under the AC grid faults,"?2015 9th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE-ECCE Asia), Seoul, 2015, pp. 1-8.
6. Jae-Jung Jung and Seung-Ki Sul, “Principle and Comparison of Modular Multilevel Converters for LCC-VSC Hybrid HVDC Transmission System,” International High Voltage Direct Current 2015 CONFERENCE, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 2015.
7. Jae-Jung Jung, Shenghui Cui, and Seung-Ki Sul, "A new topology of multilevel VSC converter for hybrid HVDC transmission system," 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Long Beach, CA, 2016, pp. 2620-2628.
8. Jae-Jung Jung, Joon-Hee Lee, Seung-Ki Sul, G. T. Son and Y. H. Chung, "DC capacitor voltage balancing control for delta-connected cascaded h-bridge STATCOM considering the unbalanced grid and load conditions,"?2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Milwaukee, WI, 2016, pp. 1-8.
9. Jae-Jung Jung, Joon-Hee Lee and Seung-Ki Sul, "Asymmetric mixed modular multilevel converter topology in bipolar HVDC transmission systems," 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Cincinnati, OH, 2017, pp. 1615-1621.
10. Shenghui Cui, Sungmin Kim, Jae-Jung Jung and Seung-Ki Sul, "Principle, control and comparison of modular multilevel converters (MMCs) with DC short circuit fault ride-through capability,"?2014 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC 2014, Fort Worth, TX, 2014, pp. 610-616.
11. Shenghui Cui, Sungmin Kim, Jae-Jung Jung and Seung-Ki Sul, "A comprehensive cell capacitor energy control strategy of a modular multilevel converter (MMC) without a stiff DC bus voltage source,"?2014 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC 2014, Fort Worth, TX, 2014, pp. 602-609.
12. Hak-Jun Lee, Jae-Jung Jung and Seung-Ki Sul, "A switching frequency reduction and a mitigation of voltage fluctuation of modular multilevel converter for HVDC,"?2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Pittsburgh, PA, 2014, pp. 483-490.
13. Sungmin Kim, Jae-Jung Jung, Shenghui Cui and Seung-Ki Sul, "DC current suppression circuit in HVDC power transmission system,"?2014 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lappeenranta, 2014, pp. 1-10.
14. Sungmin Kim, Shenghui Cui, Jae-Jung Jung, Seung-Ki Sul, “Modular multilevel converter based on full bridge cells for multi-terminal DC transmission,” European Power Electronics Conference (ECCE Europe), 2014.
15. Shenghui Cui, Jae-Jung Jung, Younggi Lee and Seung-Ki Sul, "A novel control strategy of a modular multilevel converter (MMC) based VSC-HVDC transmission system,"2015 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Charlotte, NC, 2015, pp. 972-979.
16. Shenghui Cui, Hak-Jun Lee, Jae-Jung Jung, Younggi Lee and Seung-Ki Sul, "A comprehensive AC side single line to ground fault ride through strategy of a modular multilevel converter for HVDC system,"?2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Montreal, QC, 2015, pp. 5378-5385.
17. Shenghui Cui, Jae-Jung Jung, Younggi Lee and Seung-Ki Sul, "Principles and dynamics of natural arm capacitor voltage balancing of a direct modulated modular multilevel converter,"?2015 9th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE-ECCE Asia), Seoul, 2015, pp. 259-267.
18. Joon-Hee Lee, Jae-Jung Jung, and Seung-Ki Sul, “A Cell Capacitor Balancing Control of Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter(MMC) under Power Flow Variation of HVDC Transmission System,“ HVDC2016, Shanghai, China, 2016.
19. Joon-Hee Lee, Jae-Jung Jung and Seung-Ki Sul, "Analysis and mitigation of AC coupling effects on overhead line of modular multilevel converter (MMC) based HVDC transmission system," 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Cincinnati, OH, 2017, pp. 97-104.
20. Jae-Jung Jung, Hak-Jun Lee, Jung-Ik Ha, and Seung-Ki Sul, “Reduced sampling rate for cell voltage sensing in high-level modular multilevel converter,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2014.

21. Ye-Rin Kim, Seung-Yong Lee, and Jae-Jung Jung, "Improvement of DC Voltage Control Dynamics with Bipolar DC Circuits Using a Zigzag Transformer," ICEMS, 2021.

22. Jae-Myeong Kim, Jae-Jung Jung, “PWM Carrier Effects on the Harmonic Distortion of Output Voltage in Single-Delta Bridge Cell MMC,” 2023 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia), 2023.

23. Seung-Yong. Lee, Shenghui Cui, and Jae-Jung Jung, "Enhanced Voltage Injection Control for Capacitor Voltage Balancing of MMC Under Low-Frequency Operation," 2023 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia), 2023, pp. 2643-2648.

24. Geum Seop Song, Shenghui Cui, Jae-Jung Jung, “Split Capacitor Ripple Reduction Method of 3-Level NPC Converter Using Zigzag Transformer,” 2023 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia), 2023.

25. Yeongung Kim, Shenghui Cui, Jae-Jung Jung. “Balancing Control of Cluster Energy in Star-Connected Multilevel Power Conversion System Using Zigzag Transformer,” 2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Long Beach, CA, 2024, pp.1434-1440.

26. Ki-Hyun Kim, Obi Stephen Arinze, Shenghui Cui and Jae-Jung Jung, "An Active Power Control Method for Enhancing Primary Frequency Control Dynamics in Grid-Forming Inverter Systems," 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), Chengdu, China, 2024.

27. Dong-Hwan Lee, Ki-Hyun Kim and Jae-Jung Jung, "Submodule Capacitor Voltage Stability Improvement with Virtual DC Machine Control for Delta Connected Cascaded H-Bridge Converter Based ESS," 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), Chengdu, China, 2024.

28. Ki-Hyun Kim, Shenghui Cui and Jae-Jung Jung, "A Novel Voltage based Synchronization Method for Maximum Power Factor Injection of Grid-Tied Converter in Extremely Weak Grid," 2024 9th IEEE Workshop on the Electronic Grid (eGRID), Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States, 2024.

29. Seongyeon Kim, Ki-Hyun Kim, Shenghui Cui and Jae-Jung Jung, "Enhancement Methods for Transient Stability of Grid-Forming Converters with Low Damping," 2024 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS & EXPO EUROPE (ECCE EUROPE 2024), 2024.

30. Jae-Myeong Kim, Shenghui Cui, Jae-Jung Jung, “A Star-Connected Multilevel Converter with Zigzag Transformer for E-STATCOM," 2024 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS & EXPO EUROPE (ECCE EUROPE 2024), 2024.

Domestic Conference Publications

1. 정재정, 이학준, 설승기, "전 영역 운전을 위한 모듈형 멀티레벨 컨버터 제어 알고리즘," 전력전자학술대회논문집, 2012 추계, pp. 197-198.
2. 정재정, 설승기, "직접 변조 방식 MMC의 전압 맥동 제어기가 암 캐패시터 전압 자연 밸런싱에 미치는 영향 분석,” 전력전자학술대회논문집, 2016, pp. 385-386.
3. 정재정, 설승기, "LCC-VSC Hybrid HVDC 전력전송을 위한 전압형 멀티레벨 컨버터의 구현과 제어,” 전력전자학술대회 전문위원회 워크숍, 2016.
4. 이준희, 정재정, 설승기, 손금태, 정용호, "반복제어기를 활용한 CHB-STATCOM의 고조파 전류 보상,” 전력전자학술대회, 2016, pp.149-150. (우수논문상)
5. 김재명, 정재정, 김흥근, "AC단 출력 전압 합성 방법에 따른 MMC 시스템 내부 에너지 맥동 분석," 전력전자학술대회, 2019.

6. 김소연, 김예린, 김재명, 정재정, "순수 전기추진 선박용 배터리의 용량 설계 방안 연구," 한국해군과학기술학회 춘계학술대회, 2020.

7. 이승용, 백종오, 김수배, 정재정, "계통 과도안정도 향상을 위한 전압형 컨버터의 출력범위 증가 운전기법," 대한전기학회, 2020.

8. 김재명, 김예린, 김흥근, 정재정, "Y 결선 CHB 컨버터 에너지 균형 제어 동특성 향상을 위한 주입 영상분 분석," 전력전자학술대회, 2020.

9. 이승용, 정재정, "계통 과도안정도 향상을 위한 전압형 컨버터의 출력범위 증가 운전기법," 전력전자학술대회, 2020.

10. 김예린, 김재명, 정재정, 김소연, 최재학, 이현구, "순수 전기추진 선박의 주요 장비 효율 분석 시뮬레이션," 해군과학기술학회, 2020.

11. 정재정, 김재명, 이승용, 송금섭, 김소연, "전기추진함정 적용을 위한 대용량 전력변환회로 기술," 해군과학기술학회, 2021.

12. 이승용, 정재정, 이학준, 홍찬욱, 이정준, "인버터 병렬 운전의 고주파 순환전류 저감을 위한 PWM 캐리어 위상 불일치 제어 방법," 전력전자학술대회, 2021.

13. 김예린, 최성휘, 정재정, "지그재그 변압기를 이용한 Bipolar DC 배전 컨버터의 DC단 제어 동특성 향상 기법," 전력전자학술대회, 2021.

14. 스티븐, 이시헌, 정재정, "직류단 가변 전압 출력이 가능한 중간 탭 변압기 기반 양방향 단상 인버터," 전력전자학술대회, 2021.

15. 김재명, 정재정, “Single-Star 또는 Single-Delta Bridge Cell MMC의 전압합성을 위한 PWM 반송파 형태에 따른 출력전압의 THD 분석,” 전력전자학술대회, 2022.

16. 이승용, 최성휘, 정재정, "낮은 교류 출력 주파수 운전을 위한 MMC 에너지 균형 제어법." 전력전자학술대회, 2022.

17. 이시헌, 김재명, 정재정, "모듈형 멀티레벨 컨버터 타입 ESS의 시스템 운영 방안과 제어 알고리즘," 전력전자학술대회, 2022.

18. 스티븐, 이시헌, 정재정, " 계통연계형 PV 시스템을 위한 단상 멀티레벨 인버터," 전력전자학술대회, 2022.

19. 스티븐, 정재정, " LCL-LC 필터를 포함하는 컨버터의 공진현상 분석 및 능동댐핑 제어," 전력전자학술대회, 2023.

20. 김영웅, 최성휘, 정재정, “지그재그 변압기를 이용한 스타 결선 멀티레벨 전력변환시스템의 레그 에너지 균형 제어,” 전력전자학술대회, 2023.

21. 김기현, 스티븐, 최성휘, 정재정, "능동 댐핑 기법에 따른 그리드 포밍 인버터의 안정도 분석," 전력전자학회 학술대회, 2023.

22. 이동환, 정재정, "가상 직류기 제어를 이용한 Delta 결선 직렬 연결 H-브리지 컨버터 기반 ESS의 안정도 향상기법," 전력전자학회 학술대회, 2023.

23. 김기현, 스티븐, 정재정, "주파수 안정도 향상을 위한 LPF 기반 그리드포밍 인버터 제어기법," 대한전기학회 학술대회 2023.

24. 김재명, 정재정, "지그재그 변압기를 사용한 멀티레벨 컨버터 기반 E-STATCOM 시스템," 전력전자학회 학술대회, 2024.

25. 김재명, 정재정, "지그재그 변압기를 사용한 멀티레벨 컨버터 기반 E-STATCOM의 전류 보상 가능 범위 향상 기법", 대한전기학회 학술대회, 2024.

 26. 이승용, 정재정, "가변 주파수 운전 MMC의 서브모듈 개방회로 사고 진단 방법," 전력전자학회 학술대회, 2024.

 27. 이승준, 김동준, 박재연, 이승용, 정재정, 최성휘, "Star 형 EtherCAT 통신 구조 기반 MMC 제어 시스템 구현," 전력전자학회 학술대회, 2024.

28. 이승용, 김동준, 박재연, 최성휘, 정재정, " MMC 서브모듈 테스트를 위한 Power-HILS 검증 플랫폼," 전력전자학회 학술대회, 2024.

29. 스티븐, 정재정, "약계통 조건 하에서 디지털 제어된 그리드 연계형 컨버터의 안정성에 대한 리뷰,"  전력전자학회 학술대회, 2024.

30. 김기현, 최성휘, 정재정, "약계통 조건에서 안정적인 유효전력 주입을 위한 새로운 PLL 제어기법" 전력전자 학술대회, 2024.
31. 김기현, 정재정, "단락비가 매우 작은 약계통 조건에서 안정적인 전력공급을 위한 새로운 인버터 제어 기법" 대한전기학회 학술대회 2024.

32. 김영웅, 최성휘, 정재정. "영상분 전류 주입을 통한 스타 결선 CHB기반 멀티레벨 전력변환 시스템의 역상분 전류 보상영역 확장 기법." 전력전자학회 학술대회, 2024.

 33. 이동환, 정재정, "가상 직류 발전기 기법을 이용한 멀티터미널DC시스템의 안정도 향상 기법," 전력전자학회 학술대회, 2024.

 34. 김성연, 정재정, "원형 전류제한기와 가상 어드미턴스를 이용한 그리드포밍 인버터의 과전류 제한 방법," 전력전자 학술대회, 2024

 35. 김성연, 정재정, "낮은 댐핑을 가진 그리드포밍 컨버터의 과도 안정성 향상 기법," 대한전기학회 학술대회, 2024

 36. 이명석, 이준희, 정재정, "매립형 영구자석 동기 전동기 이중 구동 통합형 DC 급속 충전기," 전력전자학회 학술대회, 2024.

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